Become a Surrogate Mother

Again Thank you for your selflessness, those intended parents who cannot have their own children because of infertility may realize their dream.
We have a professional service team and medical team that will handle the communication between you and intended parents and ensure that you are medically and legally safe and comfortable throughout the surrogacy process.Meanwhile, you can get up to $50,000 in compensation.
Surrogacy is a third-party assisted reproductive method in reproductive medicine. It is a medical act that is reasonable, legal, selfless and beneficial to others.
It brings hope to those who have missed the best age to get pregnancy; to those who are infertile or inappropriate to conceive due to diseases such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, etc.; and to some groups such as LGBT.
With the help of IVF technology, their own embryos will be synthesized in vitro. Surrogacy is the process of transplanting the embryo into the uterus of the surrogate mother and finally deliver the child by this gestational carrier.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you match requirements below
Female desirably age between 21-38.
Must be US Citizen or Permanent Resident.
Delivered at least one child without complications and with full term.
No more than 5 times birth-delivery histories in total.
Clear Criminal Background Record.
Non-smoker, living in a smoke-free environment.
Non-drug user nor Substance Abuse.
Non-alcohol abuser.
No more than 2 C-section.
Normal range for Weight & Height(BMI <=30).
Excellent overall health(Reproductive System, CVD, STD/AIDS, Mental...).
Responsible, Collaborative and Self-disciplined.
What you earn to be a surrogate mother:
1. Ranging from but not limited to $50K- $80K/Case Compensation to ensure your benefits.
2. Covered ALL Travelling Charges, Medical Screening Bill, Legal Fees, Antenatal Care Fees, After-birth Confinement Expenses, Counselling and more.
3. 24/7 on-call personal care ONE-ON-ONE coordination upon your needs.
4. Monthly peer surrogates Entertainment Retreats.
5. Up to 16 months full caring service support delivering you a QUEEN life experience
6. Full accessibility to qualified cutting-edge technologies in reproductive medicine, including Preimplantation Genetic Disease Diagnosis(PGD/PGS) to secure fetal health care
7. Reference to work resources/opportunities for your future job
8. Priority and ability to be a surrogate multiple times
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